
Funded in Korea

  1. (PI) “최적화 방법론 융합 연구를 통한 SCM 계획 수립 프로세스 효율화,” 삼성전자, 2024.10.15–2025.10.14
  2. (Co-PI) “GS-KAIST 미래 도시 인공지능 핵심 기술 연구개발,” GS건설, 2024.08.12–
  3. (PI) “Integrating machine learning prediction and optimization for routing wildfire detection drones (머신러닝 예측과 최적화의 융합을 통한 산불 탐색 드론의 경로 결정),” National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea, 2024.09.01–2025.08.31
  4. (Co-PI) “Deep Learning Foundation Model for Combinatorial Optimization and Its Applications to Various Industrial Problems (조합 최적화 문제 해결을 위한 인공지능 기초모델 개발과 이를 활용한 다양한 산업문제 해결),” National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea, 2024.08.01–2027.04.30
  5. (PI) “KAIST반도체연구지원금 2기,” 삼성전자, 2024.03.01–2027.02.28
  6. (PI) “항공 모빌리티 운임 계획 및 재무적영향 분석,” 라니아키아, 2024.03.04–2024.06.04
  7. (Co-PI) “GS-버티포트 운용개념 수립,” GS건설, 2024.06.01–2024.12.31
  8. (PI) “AI-based Next-Generation Optimization Algorithms for Smart Logistics (스마트 물류를 위한 인공지능 기반 차세대 최적화 알고리즘),” National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea, 2023.10.01–2026.12.31
  9. (co-PI) “Hybrid Neural Combinatorial Optimization Methods for Smart Factory Material Handling,” National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea, PI: Young Jae Jang (KAIST), 2021.07.01–2022.06.30 (This project supports my research during sabbatical at KAIST.)

Funded in the U.S.

  1. (co-PI) “POSE: Phase II: CONNECT: Consortium of Open-source plaNNing models for Next-generation Equitable and efficient Communities and Transportation,” National Science Foundation (NSF), , 08/15/2023–07/31/2025, [TI-2303748]
  2. (PI) “Collaborative Research: Arc Routing Problems in Combined Drone/Truck Fleets,” National Science Foundation (NSF), 7/1/2021–6/30/2024, [CMMI-2032458]
  3. (PI) “The 17th INFORMS Computing Society Conference 2022,” USF Research & Innovation Conference Support Grant, , co-PI: Hadi Charkhgard (USF), Tapas Das (USF), 1/23/2022—1/25/2022
  4. (PI) “Cobblestone OR1: Improving Milk Distribution Planning,” Cobblestone Milk Cooperative, Inc., 6/1/2021–8/9/2021
  5. (PI) “Converting Convenience Stores from Sources of Unhealthy Foods to Hubs of Healthy Food Deliveries,” Creative Research Grant, USF Research & Innovation, 5/1/2020–4/30/2021
  6. (PI) “Measuring the Impact of the Large-scale Adoption of Ridesharing on the Spread of Infectious Diseases,” U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT) through Center for Transportation, Environment, and Community Health (CTECH), , co-PIs: Tapas Das (USF), Miguel Reina (USF), 10/1/2019–9/30/2020
  7. (PI) “Market Design Approaches for Fashion Goods Distribution,” 2019 USF Nexus Initiative Awards: Faculty Global/National Collaborations, 5/28/2019–12/31/2021
  8. (PI) “Efficient Operations of Free-Floating Electric-Car Sharing Systems Considering Energy-Aware Customers,” INFORMS TSL Cross-regional Collaborative Grant, , co-PI: Sang Won Kim (CUHK), 2019
  9. (PI) “Creating and Designing New Markets for Fractional Ownership of Autonomous Vehicles”, Proposal Enhancement Grant, USF Research & Innovation, co-PI: Hadi Charkhgard (USF), 5/1/2018–4/30/2019.
  10. (co-PI) “Applying Location-based Informatics, Simulation, and Optimization Methods to Forklift Driver Behavior, Congestion, and Wireless Charging Studies”, Toyota Material Handing North America, PI: Sang Won Yoon (Binghamton), co-PI: Sung Hoon Chung (Binghamton), 12/1/2016–11/30/2017.
  11. (PI) “Regulating Hazardous-materials Transportation with Behavioral Modeling of Drivers,” U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT) through Center for Transportation, Environment, and Community Health (CTECH), , 11/30/2016–11/29/2017
  12. (co-PI) “Market Potential for Battery Electric Vehicles based on Multi-Day Activity-Travel Patterns”, U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT) through University Transportation Research Center (UTRC), PI: Jee Eun Kang (SUNY Buffalo), co-PI: Joan Lucas (Brockport), 5/1/2015–7/31/2016
  13. (PI) “CAREER: Advancing Routing Methods in Hazardous Materials Transportation”, National Science Foundation (NSF), 08/01/2014–07/31/2019, [CMMI-1351357]
  14. (co-PI) “Effective and Equitable Supply of Gasoline to Impacted Areas in the Aftermath of a Natural Disaster”, U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT) through University Transportation Research Center (UTRC), PI: Rajan Batta (SUNY Buffalo), 03/01/2014–05/31/2015
  15. (co-PI) “The Ties that Bind: Developing a Bi-national Transportation-Combined Economic Simulation Model to Assess Security and Policy Implications of US-Canada Border Bridges”, U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT) through University Transportation Research Center (UTRC), PI: Jiyoung Park (SUNY Buffalo), co-PI: Kathryn Friedman (SUNY Buffalo), 02/01/2014–08/31/2015
  16. (PI) SUNY Innovative Instruction Technology Grant, “Developing an Interactive Web-Application for Instructions Involving Networks”, co-PI: Ann Bisantz (SUNY Buffalo), 06/01/2013–06/30/2014 [SUNY IITG 2013]
  17. (PI) Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA) / U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT) through University Transportation Research Center (UTRC), Emerging Investigators Program, “Real-time Dynamic Pricing for Bicycle Sharing Programs”, 10/01/2012–08/31/2014 [RITA 49997-34-24]
  18. (PI) Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA) / U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT) through University Transportation Research Center (UTRC), “Towards Socially and Economically Sustainable Urban Developments”, co-Is: Jiyoung Park (SUNY Buffalo), Qian Wang (SUNY Buffalo), 12/23/2011–09/30/2012 [RITA 49111-23-23]
  19. (PI) Goodwill Industries of WNY, Inc. through the Center for Industrial Effectiveness, “Processing Area Improvement Initiative”, 11/30/2011–5/30/2012
  20. (PI) “Collaborative Research: Regulating Hazardous Materials Transportation by Multi-Objective Dual Toll Pricing”, National Science Foundation (NSF), co-PIs: Rajan Batta (SUNY Buffalo), 09/01/2011–08/31/2014 [CMMI-1068585]
  21. (PI) Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA) / U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT) through University Transportation Research Center (UTRC), Faculty Development Minigrants, “Robust Routing for Hazardous Materials Transportation with Conditional Value-at-Risk on Time-Dependent Networks”, 07/01/2011–09/30/2012 [RITA 49111-07-23]
  22. (PI) Efficient Schools Team, LLC., Buffalo, NY, through The Center for Industrial Effectiveness, “Food Service Efficiency & Capacity Analysis Study/Assessment”, 03/30/2011–09/30/2011
  23. (PI) Embassy of Canada in Washington, D.C., “Economic Implications of the Canada-US Border Bridges: Applying a Transportation-Combined Multiregional Input-Output Model for Canada and the U.S.”, co-PI: Jiyoung Park (SUNY Buffalo), 03/01/2011–02/28/2012 [link]
  24. (co-PI) The Canadian-American Studies Committee, Fall 2010 Grant Competition, , PI: Jiyoung Park (SUNY Buffalo), 2010