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Articles under Review

  1. Mahmoudinazlou, S., C. Kwon, H. Charkhgard. Solving Various Classes of Arc Routing Problems with a Memetic Algorithm-based Framework url abstract

  2. Liu, X., S. H. Chung, C. Kwon. An Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search Method for the Drone-Truck Arc Routing Problem abstract

Journal Articles (Published or To Appear)

  1. Sobhanan, A. J. Park, J. Park, C. Kwon. Genetic Algorithms with Neural Cost Predictor for Solving Hierarchical Vehicle Routing Problems. Transportation Science, accepted. arXiv github abstract

  2. Mahmoudinazlou, S., C. Kwon. A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm with Type-Aware Chromosomes for Traveling Salesman Problems with Drone. European Journal of Operational Research, accepted. arXiv doi github abstract

  3. Kim, H., J. Park, C. Kwon. A Neural Separation Algorithm for the Rounded Capacity Inequalities. INFORMS Journal on Computing, accepted. (a feature article in July/August 2024 issue of IJOC) arXiv doi github abstract

  4. Mahmoudinazlou, S., C. Kwon. (2024) A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for the min-max Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem. Computers & Operations Research, 106455. arXiv doi abstract

  5. Liu, X., S. W. Kim, C. Kwon. (2023) An Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search Method for Rebalancing Free-Floating Electric Vehicle Sharing Systems. Computers & Operations Research, 155, 106220. pdf doi abstract

  6. Bogyrbayeva, A., T. Yoon, H. Ko, S. Lim, H. Yun, C. Kwon. (2023) A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem with Drone. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 148, 103981 arXiv doi github abstract

  7. Haider, Z., Y. Hu, H. Charkhgard, D. Himmelgreen, C. Kwon. (2022) Creating Grocery Delivery Hubs for Food Deserts at Local Convenience Stores via Spatial and Temporal Consolidation. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 82(B), 101301. doi pdf abstract

  8. Bogyrbayeva A., S. Jang, A. Shah, Y. J. Jang, C. Kwon. (2022) A Reinforcement Learning Approach for Rebalancing Electric Vehicle Sharing Systems. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23(7), 8704–8714. doi arXiv pdf github abstract

  9. A. Bogyrbayeva, C. Kwon. (2021) Pessimistic Evasive Flow Capturing Problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 293(1), 133-148. doi pdf abstract

  10. Bogyrbayeva A., M. Takalloo, H. Charkhgard, C. Kwon. (2021) An Iterative Combinatorial Auction Design for Fractional Ownership of Autonomous Vehicles. International Transactions in Operational Research, 28(4), 1681–1705. doi pdf abstract

  11. Takalloo, M., A. Bogyrbayeva, H. Charkhgard, C. Kwon (2021). Solving the Winner Determination Problem in Combinatorial Auctions for Fractional Ownership of Autonomous Vehicles. International Transactions in Operational Research, 28(4), 1658–1680. doi pdf abstract

  12. Takalloo, M., C. Kwon (2020). On the Price of Satisficing in Network User Equilibria. Transportation Science, 54(6), 1555–1570. doi arXiv pdf abstract

  13. Melendez, K.A., T.K. Das, C. Kwon (2020). A Nash-bargaining Model for Trading of Electricity Between Aggregations of Peers. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 123, 106185. doi pdf abstract

  14. Melendez, K.A., T.K. Das, C. Kwon (2020). Optimal operation of a system of charging hubs and a fleet of shared autonomous electric vehicles. Applied Energy, 279, 115861. doi pdf abstract

  15. Su. L., C. Kwon. (2020) Risk-Averse Network Design with Behavioral Conditional Value-at-Risk for Hazardous Materials Transportation. Transportation Science, 54(1), 184–203. doi pdf abstract

  16. Zhang, A., J.E. Kang, C. Kwon (2020). Generalized Stable User Matching for Autonomous Vehicle Co-ownership Programs. Service Science, 12(2–3), 61–79. doi pdf abstract

  17. Zhang, A., J. E. Kang, C. Kwon (2020). Multi-day Scenario Analysis for Battery Electric Vehicle Feasibility Assessment and Charging Infrastructure Planning. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 111, 439–457. doi pdf abstract

  18. Taslimi, M., R. Batta, C. Kwon (2020). Medical Waste Collection Considering Transportation and Storage Risk. Computers & Operations Research, 120, 104966. doi pdf abstract

  19. Takalloo, M., C. Kwon (2020). Sensitivity of Wardrop Equilibria: Revisited. Optimization Letters, 14, 781–796. doi arXiv pdf abstract

  20. Liu, X., C. Kwon. (2020) Exact Robust Solutions for the Combined Facility Location and Network Design Problem in Hazardous Materials Transportation. IISE Transactions, 52(10), 1156–1172. (Runner-up, Student Paper Competition of the INFORMS Section on Location Analysis (SOLA), 2019) doi pdf abstract

  21. Eaton, M., S. Yurek, Z. Haider, M. Julien, F. Johnson, B. Udell, H. Charkhgard, C. Kwon. (2019) Spatial Conservation Planning under Uncertainty: Adapting to Climate Change Risks using Modern Portfolio Theory. Ecological Applications, 29(7):e01962. doi abstract

  22. Subramanian, V. T. K. Das, C. Kwon, A. Gosavi (2019). A Data-Driven Methodology for Dynamic Pricing and Demand Response in Electric Power Networks. Electric Power Systems Research, 174, 105869. doi pdf abstract

  23. Melendez, K. A. , V. Subramanian, T. K. Das, C. Kwon (2019). Empowering end-use consumers of electricity to aggregate for demand-side participation. Applied Energy, 248, 372–382. doi abstract

  24. Sun, L., M. Karwan, C. Kwon (2019). Path-Based Approaches to Robust Network Design Problems Considering Boundedly Rational Network Users. Transportation Research Record, 2673(3), 637–645. doi pdf abstract

  25. Su, L., L. Sun, M. Karwan, C. Kwon (2019). Spectral Risk Measure Minimization in Hazardous Materials Transportation. IISE Transactions, 59(6), 638–652. (Featured in IISE Magazine) doi pdf abstract

  26. Saghand, P.G., H. Charkhgard, C. Kwon (2019). A Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for a Class of Mixed Integer Linear Maximum Multiplicative Programs: A Multi-objective Optimization Approach. Computers & Operations Research, 101, 263–274. doi pdf abstract

  27. Haider, Z., A. Nikolaev, J. E. Kang, C. Kwon (2018). Inventory Rebalancing through Pricing in Public Bike Sharing Systems. European Journal of Operational Research, 270(1), 103–117. doi pdf abstract

  28. Zhang, A., J. E. Kang, K. Axhausen, C. Kwon (2018). Multi-day Activity-Travel Pattern Sampling Based on Single-Day Data. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 89, 96–112. doi pdf abstract

  29. Haider, Z., H. Charkhgard, C. Kwon (2018). A Robust Optimization Approach for Solving Problems in Conservation Planning. Ecological Modelling, 368, 288–297. doi pdf abstract

  30. Chung, B.D., S. Park, C. Kwon (2018). Equitable Distribution of Recharging Stations for Electric Vehicles. Socio-Economic Planning Science, 63, 1–11. doi pdf abstract

  31. Sun, L., M. Karwan, C. Kwon (2018). Generalized Bounded Rationality and Robust Multicommodity Network Design. Operations Research, 66(1), 42–57. (Outstanding Paper Award in Urban Transportation Planning and Modeling, the INFORMS Transportation Science & Logistics (TSL) Society, 2019) doi pdf abstract

  32. Esfandeh, T., R. Batta, and C. Kwon (2018). Time-Dependent Hazardous-materials Network Design Problem. Transportation Science, 52(2), 454–473. doi pdf github abstract

  33. Toumazis, I., M. Kurt, A. Toumazi, L. Karakosta, C. Kwon (2017). Comparative Effectiveness of Up-to-Three Lines of Chemotherapy Treatment Plans for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer. Medical Decision Making doi pdf abstract

  34. Zhang, A., J.E. Kang, C. Kwon (2017). Incorporating Demand Dynamics in Multi-Period Capacitated Fast-charging Location Planning for Electric Vehicles. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 103, 5–29. doi pdf github abstract

  35. Ahmed, M.T., J. Zhuang and C. Kwon (2017). Understanding Conflicting Interests of a Government and a Tobacco Manufacturer: A Game-Theoretic Approach. Group Decision and Negotiation, 26(6), 1209–1230. doi pdf abstract

  36. Taslimi, M., R. Batta, C. Kwon (2017). A Comprehensive Modeling Framework for Hazmat Network Design, Hazmat Response Team Location, and Equity of Risk. Computers & Operations Research, 79, 119–130. doi pdf abstract

  37. Li, X., R. Batta, C. Kwon (2017). Effective and Equitable Supply of Gasoline to Impacted Areas in the Aftermath of a Natural Disaster. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 57, 25–34. doi pdf abstract

  38. Chung, S. H. and C. Kwon (2016). Integrated Supply Chain Management for Perishable Products: Dynamics and Oligopolistic Competition Perspectives with Application to Pharmaceuticals. International Journal of Production Economics, 179, 117–129. doi pdf abstract

  39. Sun, L., M. Karwan, and C. Kwon (2016). Robust Hazmat Network Design Problems Considering Risk Uncertainty. Transportation Science, 50(4), 1188–1203. doi pdf abstract

  40. Toumazis, I. and C. Kwon (2016). Worst-case Conditional Value-at-Risk Minimization for Hazardous Materials Transportation. Transportation Science, 50(4), 1174–1187. doi pdf github abstract

  41. Kumar, A. A., J. E. Kang, C. Kwon, and A. Nikolaev (2016). Inferring Origin-Destination Pairs and Utility-Based Travel Preferences for Shared Mobility Systems Users in a Multi-Modal Environment. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 91, 270–291. doi pdf abstract

  42. Sun, L., M. H. Karwan, C. Kwon (2016). Implications of Cost Equity Consideration in Hazmat Network Design. Transportation Research Record, 2567(1), 67–77. doi pdf abstract

  43. Esfandeh, T., C. Kwon, R. Batta (2016). Regulating Hazardous Materials Transportation by Dual Toll Pricing. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 83, 20–35. doi pdf abstract

  44. Sun, L., M. Karwan, and C. Kwon (2016). Incorporating Driver Behaviors in Network Design Problems: Challenges and Opportunities. Transport Reviews, 36(4), 454–478. doi pdf abstract

  45. Hwang, H., J. Park, S. H. Chang, N. Attard, S. Wells, C. Kwon, K. Friedman (2015). The Ties that Bind: Economic and Freight Transportation Implications of U.S.-Canada Border Bridges Using a Bi-national Transportation Network-Combined Economic Model. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 16, 32–49. doi pdf abstract

  46. Chung, S. H. and C. Kwon (2015). Multi-Period Planning for Electric-Car Charging Station Locations: a Case of Korean Expressways. European Journal of Operational Research. 242(2), 677–687. doi pdf github abstract

  47. Lee, T. and C. Kwon (2014). A Short Note on the Robust Combinatorial Optimization Problems with Cardinality Constrained Uncertainty. 4OR, 12(4), 373–378. doi pdf github abstract

  48. Park, J., C. Kwon, and M. Son (2014). Economic Implications of the Canada-U.S. Border Bridges: Applying a Binational Economic Model for Canada and the U.S.. Research in Transportation Business and Management, 11, 123–133. doi pdf abstract

  49. Kang, Y., R. Batta and C. Kwon (2014). Value-at-Risk Model for Hazardous Material Transportation. Annals of Operations Research, 222(1), 361–387. doi pdf github abstract

  50. Berglund, P. G. and C. Kwon (2014). Solving a Location Problem of a Stackelberg Firm Competing with Cournot-Nash Firms. Networks and Spatial Economics, 14(1), 117–132. doi pdf abstract

  51. Kang, Y., R. Batta and C. Kwon (2014). Generalized Route Planning Model for Hazardous Material Transportation with VaR and Equity Considerations. Computers & Operations Research, 43, 237–247. doi pdf github abstract

  52. Berglund, P. G. and C. Kwon (2014). Robust Facility Location Problem for Hazardous Waste Transportation. Networks and Spatial Economics, 14(1), 91–116. doi pdf abstract

  53. Toumazis, I. and C. Kwon (2013). Routing Hazardous Materials on Time-Dependent Networks using Conditional Value-at-Risk. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 37, 73–92. doi pdf github abstract

  54. Kwon, C., T. Lee, P. G. Berglund (2013). Robust Shortest Path Problems with Two Uncertain Multiplicative Cost Coefficients. Naval Research Logistics, 60(5), 375–394. doi pdf github abstract

  55. Chung, B.D., J. Li, T. Yao, C. Kwon and T. L. Friesz (2012). Demand Learning and Dynamic Pricing under Competition in a State-Space Framework. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 59(2), 240–249. doi pdf abstract

  56. Wang, J., Y. Kang, C. Kwon and R. Batta (2012). Dual Toll Pricing for Hazardous Material Transport with Linear Delay. Networks and Spatial Economics, 12, 147–165. doi pdf abstract

  57. Jung, T. and C. Kwon (2011). Retailer-Supplier Matching: an Application of the Deferred Acceptance Algorithm. International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics, 6(3), 248–258. doi pdf abstract

  58. Friesz, T. L., T. I. Kim, C. Kwon and M. A. Rigdon (2011). Approximate Network Loading and Dual Time Scale Dynamic User Equilibrium. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 45(1), 176-207. doi pdf abstract

  59. Kwon, C., T. L. Friesz, R. Mookherjee, T. Yao and B. Feng (2009). Non-cooperative Competition Among Revenue Maximizing Service Providers with Demand Learning. European Journal of Operational Research, 197(3), 981-996. doi pdf abstract

  60. Kwon, C. and T. L. Friesz (2008). Valuation of American Options by the Gradient Projection Method. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 206(1), 380-388. doi pdf abstract

  61. Friesz, T. L. and C. Kwon (2008). Supply Chain Design in Perfect Competition. International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics, 3(3/4), 340-356. doi pdf abstract

  62. Miller, T. C., T. L. Friesz, R. L. Tobin and C. Kwon (2007). Reaction Function Based Dynamic Location Modeling in Stackelberg-Nash-Cournot Competition. Networks and Spatial Economics, 7(1), 77-97. doi pdf abstract

Edited Book

  1. Batta, R. and C. Kwon (2013), Handbook of OR/MS Models in Hazardous Materials Transportation, International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, Vol. 193, Springer doi


  1. C. Kwon (2016), Julia Programming for Operations Research: A Primer on Computing, 7.5" x 9.25". 246 pages. ISBN-10: 153332879X, ISBN-13: 978-1533328793. url

Papers in Refereed Proceedings

  1. Park, J. C.Kwon, J. Park. (2023) Learn to solve the min-max multiple traveling salesmen problem with reinforcement learning. Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS ‘23), 878—886, 9 pages. doi pdf abstract

  2. C. Kwon. (2011) Conditional Value-at-Risk Model for Hazardous Materials Transportation, in Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference, S. Jain, R. R. Creasey, J. Himmelspach, K. P. White, and M. Fu, eds. pp. 1708-1714 doi abstract

  3. Jeong, B., C. Kwon, Y.S. Zhang, and S. Yang. (2010) Evaluating the Research Performance of a R\&D Program: an Application of DEA. Proceedings of the International Multi-Conference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2010 Vol III, 5 pages. pdf

  4. Friesz, T. L., M. A. Rigdon and C. Kwon. (2008) A New Gradient Projection Algorithm for the Dynamic User Equilibrium Problem. International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment 2008, 9 pages.

  5. Friesz, T. L., C. Kwon and M. A. Rigdon. (2007) A Model of Competition in Service Management. Proceedings of 2007 IEEE/INFORMS International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, 6 pages. doi

  6. Friesz, T. L., C. Kwon and R. Mookherjee. (2007) A Computable Theory of Dynamic Congestion Pricing. In: Transportation and Traffic Theory 2007: Papers selected for presentation at ISTTT17, a peer reviewed series since 1959, R. E. Allsop, M. G. H. Bell and B. G. Heydecker (Eds.), pp. 1-26. pdf abstract

  7. Friesz, T. L., C. Kwon, A. Chow and B. Heydecker. (2007) A Dynamic Efficient Toll Problem. The Sixth Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN VI), 4 pages pdf

  8. Friesz, T. L., R. Mookherjee and C. Kwon. (2006) Dynamic Non-cooperative Games as a Foundation for Modeling Dynamic User Equilibrium. The First International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment, 18 pages. pdf

  9. Friesz, T. L., C. Kwon and R. Mookherjee. (2006) A Computable Theory of Dynamic Congestion Pricing The First International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment, 15 pages. pdf

Book Chapters

  1. Chung, S. H. and C. Kwon (2022), Drone-Truck Routing Problems, in Encyclopedia of Optimization (Eds.:P. Pardalos and O. Prokopyev), Springer pdf
  2. Toumazis, I.*, C. Kwon, and R. Batta (2013), Value-at-Risk and Conditional Value-at-Risk Minimization for Hazardous Materials Routing, in Handbook of OR/MS Models in Hazardous Materials Transportation (Eds.:R. Batta and C. Kwon), Springer doi pdf github
  3. Friesz, T. L., T. I. Kim, C. Kwon and M. A. Rigdon (2010), Computing Dual Time Scale Dynamic User Equilibria, in New Developments in Transport Planning: Advances in Dynamic Traffic Assignment (Eds.: C. M. J. Tampere, F. Viti and L. H. Immers), Edward Elgar Publishing. pdf
  4. Friesz, T. L., C. Kwon and D. Bernstein (2009), Evolutionary and Preferential Attachment Models of Demand Growth, in Complexity and Spatial Networks: In Search of Simplicity (Eds.: Aura Reggiani and Roberto Patuelli), Springer-Verlag. doi pdf
  5. Friesz, T. L., C. Kwon and D. Bernstein (2007), Analytical Dynamic Traffic Assignment Models in Handbook of Transport Modelling 2nd Edition (Eds.: D. A. Hensher and K. J. Button), Elsevier. pdf
  6. Friesz, T. L. and C. Kwon (2007), Strategic Freight Network Planning Models and a Dynamic Oligopolistic Urban Freight Network in Handbook of Transport Modelling 2nd Edition (Eds.: D. A. Hensher and K. J. Button), Elsevier. pdf